journey back to you.

journey back to you.

Everyday, we go through life

We wear a mask and live with strife

A make believe that we are real

Down to the core, down to what we feel.

But in moments of solitude,

Even when everything is the way it should

A silent whisper speaks to us

Saying… this is not gonna last

A whisper so silent, so brief yet serene

Has caused us to feel something within

Fear, hopelessness, sadness and fright

We live in a tunnel… hoping to catch a light.

But we give in only to fear

And ignore that one little whisper so clear

We put on the mask, again and again

Only to yearn what was way back when.

We journey back in time… back to our childhood

Memories that all was just too good

And the longing creeps in, and so we think

Those days are gone in just a blink.

The mask we wear would soon unveil

The yearning that we try so hard to scale

So we live a life that is masked and a lie

We live a life… but inside we die.

It is never too late to live a life filled with joy

It takes tremendous courage to leave our ploy

But if we step up and try to be true

We journey back… you journey back..

To the real you.
